We constantly strive to ensure the quality of our website and provide a safe platform for our customers. Nevertheless, if you believe that our website contains illegal content or services, or content that otherwise violates the rules of credit card companies or other regulatory authorities, we invite you to file a complaint. You may think of content that is copyrighted, involves minors, incites hatred, or is related to drugs or terrorism. Below you will find instructions on how to file a complaint.
You can submit your complaint using our dedicated online complaint form available at the bottom of this page. Please provide detailed information about your concern, including the nature of the content, any transaction details and your contact information for follow-up.
After you submit your complaint, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your complaint.
Within seven working days, our compliance team will thoroughly investigate your complaint and resolve the issue that is the subject of your complaint. You will receive a notification with the results of our investigation and the actions taken.
In case there is evidence of illegal content, we will remove that content immediately.
Your privacy and security are important to us. All complaints will be treated confidentially, and your information will only be used for processing the complaint. We are committed to providing a safe and compliant environment. We would like to thank you very much for your help.
Togather B.V.
Bezuidenhoutseweg 65 70
2594 AC 's-Gravenhage
KvK-nummer: 69587000
Btw-nummer: NL857929367B01
+31 6 549 705 28
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